The Cancer Progress Report delivers crisp headlines of progress at emerging companies developing, in many cases, breakthroughs. It is a fast and efficient must read for anyone serious in the field.
For companies it provides an economical means to accomplish the critical function of reaching and keeping the important informed as to progress. Editorial Content has three themes:
- Introductions to New Members Introduction to the company and what makes it unique. This 40 words linked to the Altru Cancer website and the company site for a full profile.
- Ongoing Coverage Member Progress. Update on newsworthy developments. Headline and first sentence with which we then link to the full story at the company website.
- Events and Developments of Importance. Important conferences related to cancer and othe4r important developments.
Circulation: We begin with a list of approximately 10,000 healthcare professionals and investors that originates from relationship with the OneMed Sentinel which began publishing in 2008 shortly after hosting the first satellite conference during JP Morgan week, the OneMedForum conference in San Francisco. This list was enhanced by partnership with The International Cancer Impact Fund (ICIF) which developed a list of nearly 10,000 of investment professionals. We expect to continue through partnerships to grow the circulation