Author: Global Cancer Consortium

Eight studies presented this week at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting suggest that Gen-Probe’s investigational test for the prostate cancer gene PCA3 may address some of the major challenges faced by urologists when diagnosing the disease.

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Some patients fear injections so much that they avoid getting proper medical treatment, sometimes with life-threatening results. Transdermal patches, which administer drugs through the skin, could make the bite of the needle a mere unpleasant memory.

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Solid tumors represent 85 percent of all cancers, creating a huge clinical need for localized, site-specific cancer treatment. Inovio Medical Corporation of San Diego is developing DNA-based vaccines that harness the body’s immune system to prevent and treat chronic diseases such as cancer and HIV.

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Center have created a test that could help doctors identify which breast cancer patients need aggressive therapy. The study, published in the online version of Clinical Cancer Research, could prevent many women from undergoing unnecessary chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

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Few people outside the medical profession have even heard of Sepsis, the third most common cause of death for hospitalized patients in the developed world, behind heart disease and cancer. 30% of the 1 million people afflicted each year die because a bacterial infection, originating anywhere in the body, has lead to Sepsis, an “overreaction” by the immune system causing destructive inflammation throughout the body, leading to multiple organ failure. Even the best intensive care units are challenged not only by finding an adequate treatment for the disease; but by simply being able to diagnose it before it is too…

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The mechanisms that drive disease have long confounded the medical industry. How much of a part does genetics play? How does the patient’s lifestyle influence his or her risk of developing cancer? What makes one patient respond favorably to a particular treatment, while another suffers severe side effects?

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