Author: Global Cancer Consortium

Early detection of ischemic injury, though difficult to achieve, is becoming increasingly critical to the proper utilization of new interventional procedures. Experts note that although Magnetic Resonance Angiography can evaluate vessel anatomy and patency, the method cannot characterize tissue viability. Rockland Technimed’s Tissue Viability Imaging Agent is able to assess the quality and function of the underlying tissue; it can differentiate reversible or irreversible tissue injury. Rockland’s technology is based on the normal process of cellular regeneration of adenosine triphosphate with concomitant conversion of oxygen to water. The company’s Oxy-17 is formulated using a stable, non-radioactive isotope of Oxygen that…

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Irvine, California-based NeoMatrix offers the HALO Breast Pap Test, a fully automated, noninvasive breast disease screening device designed for use in a primary care setting. HALO is FDA approved for the collection of nipple aspirate fluid for cytological evaluation. The collected fluid is used to determine and/or differentiate normal, pre-malignant and malignant cells. If made a part of routine check-ups, NeoMatrix believes HALO would enable physicians and patients to monitor cellular changes within breast ducts earlier, before they develop into larger, potentially cancerous lesions discovered by via conventional breast cancer screening modalities like mammography or manual breast examination. Over 40,000…

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FlexmiR Select, a new assay designed by Luminex, will allow researchers to improve their analysis of microRNAs (miRNA) – single-stranded RNA molecules which regulate gene expression. FlexmiR Select allows researchers to create customized miRNA panels for more focused miRNA analysis. More than 200 microRNAs have been identified in humans, though the precise function of these regulatory, non-coding RNAs remains largely obscure. Some studies have linked miRNAs with cancer and heart disease. Patrick Balthrop, President and CEO, of Luminex believes the next step in microRNA research will be more concentrated analyses of small sets of miRNAs, “FlexmiR Select is the ideal…

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We gathered this footage back in September at the Think Equity G5 Growth Conference. In this segment, Gulfo discusses MelaFind – a handheld device that capture images of suspicious pigmented skin lesions. The data is then analyzed against a database of melanomas and benign lesions. The “Lesion Classifier” recommends whether the lesion should be biopsied. With assistance provided by MelaFind, physicians could diagnose more melanomas at the earliest curable stage, reducing both treatment costs and the number of unnecessary biopsies. Gulfo describes MelaFind as “better, cheaper medicine.” Electro-Optical Sciences (EOS) initiated a clinical trial back in January and anticipates submitting…

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Buoyed by a recent stock offering, the Inverness Medical machine continues to gobble up companies as they consolidate the disease and health management service space. The most recent acquisition of ParadigmHealth will cost the company $230 million in an all cash deal. Paradigm offers disease management services for the acutely ill, with a focus on newborns and cancer patients. The company, founded in 1991, reported $60 million in revenues over the past twelve months. Inverness said it is buying the ParadigmHealth as part of an expansion into disease-management services from medical testing and diagnostics. Inverness has been on a buying…

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Last week GE Healthcare announced would it would be incorporating iCAD’s SecondLook technology into its line of Senographe Full-Field Digital mammography systems. iCAD shares opened 10% higher on the news; shares have continued to climb to a high of $2.39 today. SecondLook is a computer aided detection (CAD) technology that helps distinguish cancers from other anomalies in the breast. SecondLook is able to detect up to 72% of actionable missed cancers an average of 15 months earlier. The software integrates seamlessly with DICOM systems – a standard adopted by most medical digital imaging device manufacturers. iCAD will develop a customized…

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Aethlon’s prospects seem to be growing brighter by the minute. Last week I reported that the company had initiated a research collaboration to study the in vitro effectiveness of clearing HIV from blood. This Monday, Aethlon announced that researchers have documented Hemopurifier’s ability to remove the immunosuppressive activity normally found in the fluid of cancer patients. In studies led by Dr. Douglas Taylor at the University of Louisville, Hemopurifier captured tumor secreted exosomes that inhibit the immune system’s ability to combat cancer. Exosomes are released by solid tumors, lymphomas, and leukemia. They induce T-cell apoptosis (programmed cell death), and block…

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A recent study conducted by Dr. Allan Siperstein and colleagues at the Cleveland Clinic presented three and five year survival data following radiofrequency ablation of colorectal liver metastases. As Siperstein noted in his paper, colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death in men and women, resulting in more than 53,000 deaths in 2007. The report showed 3-year and 5-year survival rates of 20.2% and 18.4%, respectively. The study was based on a prospective evaluation of 234 patients with colorectal liver metastases who underwent 292 RFA sessions between 1997 and 2006. The patients in this study were…

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